Ultimate Learning Fun with Feelings teaches your child to understand the emotional states of other people.

Your child will learn to read the state of mind of others around them — improving both their social interaction and personal well-being.

Great for learning all about emotions, Fun with Feelings targets:

  • identification and understanding of common emotional states
  • visual features of each emotion
  • situational factors that produce emotions
  • voice and sounds associated with emotions
  • language-thinking skills
  • comprehension and perception
  • part/whole relationships

How It Works
Fun with Feelings uses a strong audio and visual interface to maintain interest during the learning period. Each emotion is broken down into several small pieces that are built in stages into an image of that emotion for the child. They include:

  • Identification Through Repetition
    In Level 1, the child learns in a global sense about 20 different emotions. Colorful cartoon are used to maintain a sufficient interest level to see the application through to completion. Here the child learns through cartoons a label for the individual emotion without learning what individual features or environmental factors resulted in that emotional state.
  • Visual Features
    In Level 2, the user taught the individual facial and body features relating to each emotion learned in Level 1. For example, a picture of a happy person smiling is shown with a question stating, you can tell this person is happy because? Then the user is asked to select an answer from the choices given. The correct answer in this case is, "My mouth is going up." Piece by piece the user begins to put together a picture of what a person who feels happy looks like. This process is performed for all 20 emotions.
  • Environmental Features
    Level 3 demonstrates how the environment can cause emotions. Typical examples include the boy is happy because he got a birthday present. The girl is sad because her bike is broken and so on.
  • Auditory Features
    Level 4 teaches the verbal data associated with a given emotion. In this level, voices are played and are required to be matched to the picture of the corresponding emotion. For example, hearing a voice yelling in anger would correspond to one of the possible answers, a picture of an angry person.
  • Generalizing Features
    In Level 5 we use videos of real people with each emotional state. Using the lessons learned in levels 1-4, the user is now asked to identify the emotional state of the person in the video.
  • Real World Social Application
    In Level 6, we take a walk into a crowded room with real people in different emotional states. Using knowledge gained from Levels 1 though 5, the user is asked to identify a person with a specific emotional state. After successful completion of Level 6, the user is ready for real world, appropriate communication and interaction.

All answers that are not selected correctly the first time are repeated at the end of the level. The user cannot progress to the next level until they have answered all questions correctly the first time. Therefore the user is forced to succeed and learn through repetition.

Fun with Feelings also has a learning center to teach the features of each emotion before or during the game. The learning center reinforces and supplements the information learned through playing the game.

Fun With Feelings in the Classroom
Not only is Fun With Feelings the ultimate learning tool for all children ages 3-11, but it also has been recognized by educators to be effective in the treatment of mind blindness — a common disiblity in the the learning challenged child.

Many of us find it difficult to asses the emotional state of others. We observe peoples actions and words and try to match the data input to some filtered perception that relates to a sum of past experiences. For the adult or child with special educational needs such as autism, this process may be non-existent.

For example, the autistic child may be unable to assess the state of emotion of others in their immediate environment. This leads to the inability to appropriately relate to or identify with others.

Coupled with poor conversational skills, the autistic child is doomed to a life of isolation without a chance for developing significant relationships in the social world.

In the absence of a cure for autism through some magic bullet, we must rely on learning and behavior modification to teach the special needs child how to assess the emotional states of others.

Since the data used for this process may be overwhelming, a method that breaks down the individual components of an emotion is necessary.

Windows CE version for Pocket PCs Now Available!
Now even if you are on the road, you can take Fun With Feelings with you to use on your Pocket PC.

System Requirements
For Windows based Desktops:
Windows® 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME or XP, Pentium Processor, VGA monitor 800 x 600 resolution, 32-bit color display, 520 MB hard drive, 128 MB RAM, sound card, MS DirectX 8 or higher

For Windows CE based Handhelds:
Pocket PC Windows CE version 3.0 or greater (ARM, MIPS, SH3)

Click here for the Fun With Feelings installation and users guide

Ultimate Learning Software Suite
Improve your children's ability with Ultimate Learning. This dynamic computer software series provides informational reading tasks that develop problem solving language, thus enabling a deeper understanding of the way things work and world around us.

Created by DigiSoft, the innovative developers behind the award-winning PictPocket Cinema software, Ultimate Learning comprises five unique products and aspects of learning: Fun With Feelings, Math Master, Problem Solvers, Songs to Get Along, and Sound Readers.

Each Ultimate Learning title is available for purchase separately for $49.95 each, or as part of the comprehensive Ultimate Learning Software Suite which contains all five titles on one CD-ROM for the special low price of $99.95 (over $150 off the regular price!).

Find out more about the complete Ultimate Learning Suite

Find out more about Ultimate Learning Fun With Feelings

Find out more about Ultimate Learning Math Master

Find out more about Ultimate Learning Problem Solvers

Find out more about Ultimate Learning Songs to Get Along

Find out more about Ultimate Learning Sound Readers

Yes, Fun With Feelings is Available for Pocket PC Users too!
Fun With Feelings software is also created to go with you and your kids on the go. Same great software, just in a format that can fit in the palm of your hand!

DigiSoft is one of the leading developers of Windows CE (Pocket PC) based software.

Pocket PC Owners: Check Out DigiSoft's PictPocket Cinema

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FREE 14-Day Trial
The free trial download is the complete version of our software, but will stop working after 14 days.
You may purchase a key code to permanently unlock your software any time within that 14 day period.

Download Fun With Feelings for Windows Trial Version Now

(desktop version, 75.3 MB, updated 8/22/06)

Download Fun With Feelings for Pocket PC Trial Version Now
(Pocket PC version, 7.6 MB, updated 4/7/04)

FREE Demo Version
Try before you buy! Download and use a limited version of Fun With Feelings for free
. It does not contain all of the levels or features, but you will be able to quickly determine if this software is for you and your kids.

Click here to Download the free Demo of Fun With Feelings for Windows

(desktop version, 19.4 MB, updated 4/19/04)

Purchase Fun With Feelings

Fun With Feelings is available for $49.95 for Windows and is coming soon for Windows CE (plus $9.95 for shipping & handling if you want your software on CD-ROM).

All five software titles are available for the special price of only $99.95 (plus $9.95 S&H) on the Ultimate Learning Software Suite.

Purchase Any Ultimate Learning Software Product Now

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digital software solutions for the
21st century. From desktop to laptop, experience a seamless transition from one working environment to another.

Ultimate Learning Educational Software

Fun With Feelings
Math Master
Problem Solvers
Songs to Get Along
Sound Readers
Ultimate Learning Suite

DigiSoft General Purpose Software

Quick Change Media
PictPocket Cinema
PictPocket LE
PictPocket Suite

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